
Our award winning arrangements take your vision and put it down on paper. Whether it's creating an a cappella cover of your group's favorite hit or writing the backing vocals for your newest original song, let us help you breathe life into your next track!


Need a song recorded? We've got you covered! Not sure what your song's missing? Send it on over! With dozens of arrangements, edits, and producer credits under our belt, we can help record and fill your song with the right instrumentation to turn it into the killer track you know it can be.


Mixing is that magical stuff that turns a voice, guitar, bass, and drums into a 3D masterpiece that makes you just want to keep on listening. We know that the process can seem daunting, so let us handle it!

Want to mix it yourself but don't know where to start? We also offer beginner's mixing lessons in ProTools First, a free Digital Audio Workspace, that has everything you need to learn the basics of mixing.

Got a project in mind? Shoot us an email using our contact form: